โคด๏ธAcceptable Use Policy

At XROOT, we are committed to responsible platform usage and the safeguarding of our users' information. This Acceptable Use Policy is designed to specify the proper and improper ways to use our service.

  1. Forbidden Activities: The use of our service is subject to the following strict prohibitions:

  • Spamming activities, such as dispatching unwanted emails, messages, or other forms of unsolicited communications.

  • Circulating malware or harmful software.

  • Violating intellectual property laws, including unauthorized utilization of trademarks, copyrights, or other private content.

  • Participating in unlawful or deceptive acts.

  • Misusing the platform in ways that might damage the reputation of XROOT or our associates.

  1. User Obligations: As a XROOT platform user, you bear complete responsibility for the content you produce and disseminate. Additionally, it's your duty to ensure that your platform usage adheres to all relevant laws and regulations.

  2. Content Oversight: Although we don't routinely supervise our users' content or activities, we retain the authority to investigate and eliminate any material or information we judge, at our sole discretion, infringes on this Acceptable Use Policy or the law.

  3. Violation Reporting: Should you encounter any content or conduct that you suspect breaches this Acceptable Use Policy or the law, please alert our support team.

  4. Policy Implementation: We maintain the right to apply this Acceptable Use Policy, which may include suspending or terminating an account if violations occur.

To summarize, this Acceptable Use Policy delineates what is and is not permitted on our platform. Your engagement with our platform signifies your agreement to abide by this policy and assume accountability for your behavior. We are dedicated to the responsible operation of our platform and the security of our users' information and will undertake suitable measures to uphold this policy and protect user privacy.

Last updated